DFRobot was founded by a local maker community in 2008, among the first to embrace open-source hardware, we keep creating innovative, user-friendly hardware & software products that become the building blocks in all kinds of electronic projects and fostering a strong community of learners around it. After a decade, DFRobot has expanded from open-source hardware to STEM education, manufacturing, and other industries. The company’s product lines include gadgets related to Arduino, LattePanda, Raspberry Pi, micro:bit, and comprehensive learning kits for K12 students such as Boson kit, micro:Maqueen series and Mind Plus.
185 Projects

Arduino Electromagnet Module Using Visuino

$50 Diy Ai Smart Coop

Overhead Tank Water Level Monitoring Using Blues Notecard

Third Eye: Face Recognition Model, Ocr (read) & Translation


Uv Intensity Detector With Beetle Esp32 C6 & Telegram Bot

A Smart Hiking Stick For The Visually Impaired

Smart Cabinets With A Custom Smart Home

Simple Scope Using Nextion Display & Visuino

Wireless Uv Intensity Monitor With Beetle Esp32 C6

Gear Shift Indicator Using Visuino

Gc9a01 Display - Simple Weather Station

Simple Voice Automation With Dfrobot Beetle Esp32 C6

Building A Voice Controlled Sos System With Telegram Alert

Pixelpanda | A 3d Printed Rgb Matrix Pc Build

Weather Station Using Arduino Uno R4 Wifi & Visuino

Automate Power Profiling: Ppk 2 With Python & Unihiker